Tenders CSIR-AMPRI invites bids from supply, installation and commissioning of High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy

CSIR-AMPRI invites bids from supply, installation and commissioning of High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy

CSIR-AMPRI invites bids from supply, installation and commissioning of High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy


CSIR- Advanced Materials and Process Research Institute (AMPRI) has invited bids for supply, installation & commissioning of High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy in two bid format from Original Equipment Manufacturers, Foreign Principals and Indian Agents of Foreign Principals.

 The details of the NIT are as below:

 Name of the Instrument: High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy

 Tender No: PUR/EQP/132 (2023-24)

 Tender type: Two bid format (technical & commercial)

 Bid submission last date: 30.11.2023 (05:00 pm)

 Bid opening date: 01.12.2023 (11:00 am)

 Mode of Submission: Offline (sealed envelope)

 The tender document is published on CPP portal http://epublish.gov.in/eprocure. Also available on CSIR-AMPRI website www.ampri.res.in and is downloadable free of cost.